Policies & Procedures

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Library Card

Your FREE library card entitles you to sign out library materials or use public access computers. You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card. For those patrons under the age of 14, ultimate responsibility lies with the parent/guardian who has signed the card. It is advisable to report lost or stolen library cards.

Computer Use

Anyone wishing to use a library computer is required to register at the circulation desk. Users are responsible for acquainting themselves with the “Computer and Internet Access Policy” which are posted at each work station. Also please see our Social Networking Policy.

Loan Period

Library materials are signed out for a 3 week period*. Renewals are permitted on most material provided there is no other patron waiting for that item.

*Exceptions may include specially-requested material borrowed from another library, DVDs, or material for which there is a wait list.

Lost & Unreturned Material

The card holder to whom library material is issued is responsible for the return of the material. Fees are charged for lost / unreturned library materials.

When material borrowed through the Interlibrary Loan system is lost, the fees are set by the owning library.

Damaged Material

The card holder to whom library material is issued is responsible for damages incurred to the material.

Pets in the Library

The Pets in the Library Policy prohibits pets inside the library, except for service animals.

Supervision of Users

General Use of the Library: Children age 7 and younger* must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver when using the library facilities. It is expected that a library user, of any age, requiring supervision will be accompanied by a parent/caregiver. See our Safe Child Policy for further details.

*For Supervised Programs: Programs targeted at the pre-school age group require that a parent/caregiver be present.

Disruptive Behaviour

Disruptive or inappropriate behaviour that may affect other library users, staff, library materials, or equipment is not acceptable in any part of the library. If behaviour continues, offenders will be asked to leave the premises.

Loss of Library Privileges

The Annapolis Valley Regional Library has the right to deny library privileges (including library computer use) to any patron who fails to abide by any library rules and/or policies.

Right to Intellectual Freedom

Library staff does not censor, for patrons of any age, choices of material or information found on the Internet. (See Computer and Internet Access Policy posted at each work station.)

Selection Policy / Reconsideration of Material

Copies of the Selection Policy are available upon request or via our website, as are forms for any patron who would like to express a concern regarding material selected. (Reconsideration of Library Material).

Loss of Library Privileges

The Annapolis Valley Regional Library has the right to deny library privileges (including library computer use) to any patron who fails to abide by any library rules and/or policies.
– the Annapolis Valley Regional Library Board