Annapolis Valley Regional Library

Computer and Internet Access

Policies & Procedures

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Information and resources available on the Internet can expand and enhance the materials offered at AVRL’s Branches. The AVRL does not censor users by restricting Internet access. Library patrons access the Internet at their own discretion. Some websites may contain information that other library patrons find controversial or inappropriate. In support of intellectual freedom, the Library does not monitor and has no control over information accessed through the Internet. It is the user’s or their guardian’s responsibility.

1. Patrons access public computers and associated software at their own risk. The Library is not responsible for equipment malfunction, damage to disks, loss of data, transmission of data (secure or otherwise), data saved on a public computer, personal computer, laptop, or any other devices.

2. AVRL’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent from your wireless device could be captured within or in close proximity to the Branch. The Library assumes no responsibility for equipment, or any alterations or loss of configurations, security, or data resulting from the use of AVRL’s wireless network.

3. You may not use your own software programs on the library computer. This is to help prevent computer viruses.

4. Misuse of computers or software is unacceptable. Failure to adhere to this clause could result in the patron being held legally and financially responsible for any damages.

5. Only 1 person is permitted at the computer work station at one time.

6. The software available on the work stations is varied. While staff is trained in the use of library-related databases and some other software products, they may not be familiar with all products. Staff will offer assistance whenever possible.

7. Printing is available in either colour or black and white. Please ensure that your printed material is recovered. The Library is not responsible for items left unattended.

8. To protect AVRL computers, all library machines have virus-protection software. If you download programs/files from the Internet, it is advisable to check for viruses before using them on your computer. The library cannot guarantee they will be virus-free.

9. Responsible computer use includes but is not limited to:

  • a. It is expected that patrons will use the computers and access the Internet in such a way that does not disturb and is respectful to other patrons;
  • b. Patrons may not use library equipment or the Internet, or the Library’s wireless network for any illegal activity or to place material on the Internet related to any illegal activity. Patrons are subject to Federal and Provincial legislation regulating Internet use, including the provisions of the Criminal Code pertaining to obscenity, child pornography, sedition, and incitement of hate, etc. Civil law forbids the harassment, libeling, or slandering of others. Any materials tending to deprive any person of their rights, or to expose any person to hatred or affronts to human dignity cannot be displayed or disseminated through library computers. Any known activity will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  • c. Any illegal activity will result in the patron being denied further access to public computers and the Internet for a period to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.

10. Should misuse be detected, the Library reserves the right to terminate a patron’s access to public computers, the Internet or the wireless network at any time.

11. Library patrons have the right to confidentiality and privacy in the use of public computers, the Internet and the wireless network to the extent possible given certain constraints such as proximity of staff and other patrons in our public spaces.

Modified: April 2020

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