Hantsport – Isabel & Roy Jodrey Memorial Library


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We’re at 10 Main Street, right beside the Hantsport Memorial Community Centre’s playground and splash pad. We have a great selection of books for all ages, dvds, audiobooks, and magazines. The collection is refreshed on a regular basis and with access to the Same Page catalogue, there’s more than a million items to choose from.

The Hantsport – Isabel & Roy Jodrey Memorial Library – Program Room is available for use.

  1. When not in use for library activities, and during hours when the library staff are on-site, the room may be booked for non-profit or commercial meetings, classes, educational and cultural purposes.
  2. The room may not be booked for private parties, gatherings, or other such functions.
  3. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  4. Groups are not permitted to charge an admission fee or to sell for profit.
  5. The room may be booked for the following periods: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-8pm and Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am-2pm. (The library is closed on Sunday, Monday, and Friday.)
  6. Bookings must be paid in advance of the meeting date. For non-profit groups the charge is $10 for each period booked. For commercial groups the charge is $25 for each period booked. Any cheques should be made payable to Annapolis Valley Regional Library.
  7. A laptop and projector may be available for meetings or events, with at least one week’s advance notice.
  8. The arrangement of tables and chairs and use of the kitchenette will be the responsibility of the rental group. These must be returned to the original layout before the group leaves.
  9. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage to articles brought onto the premises by the group.
  10. Permission to use the room, and any additional procedures, are at the discretion of the Branch Manager.
  11. When announcing your meeting place please refer to the location as the Isabel & Roy Jodrey Memorial Library Program Room.
  12. CANCELLATION POLICY: Credit (to be used within 6 months) will be given when (a) weather prevents the meeting or (b) 48 hours notice is given to the library.
The FHPL welcomes new members and asks that you contact the library for information about the group. Visit us on Facebook “Friends of the Library” are formally organized volunteer groups of individuals with a common interest in helping and supporting the library. Activities of the Friends must be in accordance with the goals and policies of the Library Board. Read the AVRL Board’s Policy on ‘Friends of the Library’ Groups

Branch Supervisor: Leah Winter

10 Main Street, PO Box 467
Hantsport, Nova Scotia
B0P1P0 Canada


Hours This Week

Tuesday2 PM - 8 PM
Wednesday10 AM - 2 PM
Thursday2 PM - 8 PM
Saturday10 AM - 2 PM
18 AprClosed
20 AprClosed
21 AprClosed
19 MayClosed
26 MayClosed
1 JulClosed
4 AugClosed
1 SeptClosed
30 SeptClosed
13 OctClosed
11 NovClosed
24 DecClosed
25 DecClosed
26 DecClosed
31 Dec10 AM – 1 PM

Branch features

Upcoming Events

April 2, 2025
Hantsport Library

A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation. Stop into the library on Wednesday mornings for a free cup of coffee and the Friends of the Hantsport Public Library's 'treat...

April 2, 2025
Hantsport Library

A weekly gathering of knitters, weavers, hookers, spinners, crocheters, and other textile artists. A time and place to craft, share stories, tell tales, and spin yarns.

Please bring your own project...

April 9, 2025
Hantsport Library

A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation. Stop into the library on Wednesday mornings for a free cup of coffee and the Friends of the Hantsport Public Library's 'treat...

April 9, 2025
Hantsport Library

A weekly gathering of knitters, weavers, hookers, spinners, crocheters, and other textile artists. A time and place to craft, share stories, tell tales, and spin yarns.

Please bring your own project...

Where We Are

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