What is OverDrive?
With OverDrive, you will have access to free eBooks, audiobooks and magazines with your library card and an internet connection.
Borrow up to 10 titles at a time and place holds on up to 20 titles at a time.
Unsure where to begin?
- Try using OverDrive’s Getting Started how-to
- Find your specific device and follow the step-by-step instructions
- The Libby app is amazing! This page is a great first step
- If you are having difficulty or wish to ask a question about our download service, please get in touch with our technical staff at overdrive@valleylibrary.ca
Please note that the Kindle eReaders (Kindle, Kindle Voyage and Kindle Paperwhite) are not compatible with this downloadable service in Canadian public libraries. However, the Kindle Fire tablets are compatible.